Bain News Service, Publisher. Christmas Shoppers . , ca. 1910. [Between and Ca. 1915] Photograph. I missed Sepia Saturday but thought I'd commemorate Christmas shopping of days gone by. To see some Sepia Saturday posts, click here . O'Halloran, Thomas J, and Warren K Leffler, photographer. Retail Christmas Story Shoppers . , 1974. Photograph. Harris & Ewing, photographer. NO ELEPHANT TOYS FOR FIRST LADY. MRS. ROOSEVELT, ON A CHRISTMAS SHOPPING TOUR, HAD A HARD TIME CONVINCING SANTA CLAUS THAT SHE DID NOT WANT A TOY ELEPHANT, A SYMBOL OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, AS A CHRISTMAS PRESENT. SHE IS SHOWN HERE INSPECTING AN ASSORTMENT OF TOYS AT A WASHINGTON, D.C. DEPARTMENT STORE FRIDAY . United States Washington D.C. District of Columbia Washington D.C, 1934. Photograph.