Weekend Coffee Share

If we were having coffee, I'd say I've vowed never to sub in an 8th grade class again. The classes I was assigned on Tuesday were mainly insolent and refused to do their work. They questioned all the directions their teacher gave me. It was a long day. Luckily Monday went well as did Wednesday and Thursday.

I'd add that today I took the day off and had lunch with two friends at a Thai restaurant. I got lost and then ran into numerous one way streets with speed bumps, but in the end had a great time. I got a tip that the Art Institute's Cezanne exhibit is well worth seeing. 

I'd say I'm watching the Kurosawa film The Bad Sleep Well, a tale of revenge against corrupt officials and businessmen, whose illicit acts led to a suicide. 

I'm reading Stendhal's The Red and the Black and Stephen Moore's Govzilla


  1. Ugh, I remember subbing in 8th grade classes. *shudder* Really, subbing in any class from about 6th-9th grade was pretty rough.

  2. I have a lot of respect for teachers and substitutes...yikes. I don't know if I could do it.

  3. I once subbed for some high school classes in Israel. The students didn't listen to me at all. It's not something I would want to repeat!

  4. I've heard teaching middle school is the hardest. I remembered when my friends were about to graduate college they had plans to go into teaching and they vowed to avoid middle school grades if they can.


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