Data You Can Use



I was wondering about the COVID-19 data and vaccine data for my town. I hear the news for our state or the country, but that's not relevant to local events and places. It's worth knowing, but not the most important data. 

I looked and looked on my state public health site, but couldn't get information on towns, only counties. It took a while, but finally, I realized the county must have a public health office. That's where I found the information above. I could see the rate of vaccination in my town as well as COVID-19 data. 

N.B. I wonder about these numbers because our population is 32,598 and children 12 and under can't be vaccinated so that's a problem. 

So while the state may not be doing great, my town and those surrounding it are great and decisions should make sense.

For Cook County, Illinois you can find COVID-19 and vaccine rate data at

Try finding your own town's data by looking at your county's public health site. 


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